Control of personal data has become inextricably tied to user experience and perhaps nothing proves this more than Apple’s recent announcement that iOS 14 apps will require explicit consent from users to use the IDFA (Identifier for Tracking).
At LifeStreet, we agree that greater control over how mobile data is collected, used and shared, can improve a user’s relationship with the apps they love, their perception of ads, and ultimately their user experience. At the same time, we are acutely aware that Apple’s new policy will change how you–and all mobile marketers–optimize and target against ROAS (return on ad spend).
Our goal is for you to feel as prepared as possible for our new IDFA-less world.
Right now, one of the best things you can do is stay informed. This FAQ post will also be updated with questions and answers as we learn more about Apple’s policies and compliance requirements.
Please continue to work closely with your LifeStreet account manager. They can help answer any questions you may have and remain dedicated to the success of your campaigns.
How is LifeStreet planning to accommodate iOS 14’s IDFA privacy feature?
We’ve been buying LAT (limited ad tracking) traffic successfully for years, so we feel prepared for an influx of IDFA-less users in September. However, there is the likelihood that probabilistic attribution goes away which is why we have registered as an Ad Network with Apple’s SKAdNetwork API. We are also keeping in close communication with our MMP partners so we can align with their solutions. There are still a lot of questions at this point but what we do know is that all vendors are in the same boat (including Facebook), and we’ve already begun projects to help improve our contextual modeling (more on that below).
Are there any changes to the LAT feature in iOS 14 that would prevent LifeStreet from continuing to buy LAT traffic?
We have been leveraging probabilistic attribution to successfully buy LAT traffic for years. We’re also working with our technology team on other ways to leverage data from Advertisers to be able to build our full custom models, and honor suppression lists in a privacy compliant manner.
Does the LAT setting change for users who have already set this preference in older iOS versions and update to iOS 14?
If LAT was enabled in iOS 13 and users upgrade to iOS 14, all apps will have limited ad tracking. If LAT was not enabled in iOS 13 and users upgrade to iOS 14, apps will need to request permission via the App Tracking Transparency framework (ATT) to track users who will need to explicitly accept to be able to track their data across 3rd party apps and websites.
Has LifeStreet considered more contextual targeting?
Yes! We have many projects in the works to enhance the contextual signals into our models. One example of this is a project that encodes app screenshot images into summary vectors that are able to generalize across apps with visual similarities (i.e. apps that have candies, or similar color schemes, etc.). This is already in production. We are also working closely with our exchange partners to ingest new contextual signals into our models in advance of iOS14. Some examples of these are: Screen brightness / current battery level, available disk space, etc.
Are you planning to register with Apple for SKAdNetwork attribution eligibility?
Yes. We’ve already been approved and have integrated SKAN into our test apps, and are working to understand the best use case for attribution via this method.
How is LifeStreet planning on using the 100 SKAdNetwork campaign IDs?
Our CampaignID structure is still being finalized, but we are working on a few schemes that we think will use the 100 campaign identifiers most intelligently. One idea is to structure campaigns in a way that we will be able to switch between a few over a period of time. This will allow us to test very granular dimensions without losing any data. For example, one week we could test specific creativeIDs, and the following week we could test the performance of a new model.
How are you planning to interpret conversion value?
LifeStreet will work with both the MMPs (mobile measurement platforms) and advertisers to ingest the meanings of the 64 bit conversion value. Some MMPs will allow advertisers to set the meaning of the value within their UI and we will ingest the conversion value from there. If you do not configure the conversion value through your MMP, then we will work directly with you to assign meaning to different conversion values.
How can LifeStreet register for SKAdNetwork if it doesn’t have an SDK?
DSPs do not need to have the SDK to utilize the SKAdNetwork. The exchange SDK that serves the ad will initialize LoadProduct and the SKAdNetwork validation process, and LifeStreet handles ingestion and verification of the postbacks directly as they are received.
What are the alternate forms of measurement for my app install campaigns?
Please check with your MMP directly for options. LifeStreet is committed to supporting all compliant methods of attribution as they become available.
How will I be able to see installs driven via the SDKAdNetwork postback?
We will add reporting metrics to both our advertiser portal and the APIs that will display these values. In addition, we will be forwarding all postbacks to the MMPs so you, the Advertiser, will have full visibility via your MMP’s reporting solution.
How will this change impact reporting for my LifeStreet app campaigns?
Whatever data we have access to, whenever possible, will be passed to you and can be accessed through LifeStreet’s advertiser reporting portal.
How will you account for post install events with your platform?
At this point, we expect to be able to continue to track post install events the same way that we do now with LAT users. We will receive post install events from our MMPs and will rely on interpretation of the conversion value for direct advertiser integrations.
What other data points can LifeStreet use to profile users? How accurate are they compared to IDFAs?
We predict that profiling will become more aggregated and data points will be used to profile a group of users as opposed to an individual user’s journey. LifeStreet is currently working with several exchange partners to expand and diversify the signals that they supply and these new signals will be used to power contextual bidding. This data, while less granular compared to IDFA, is accurate enough for campaign optimization and will include attributes from device, behavioral and app-level signals, among other data parameters.