Case Study – Engagement Platform

Leading advertising and engagement platform quickly achieves significant growth with LifeStreet

Company Background

A leading advertising and engagement platform specializing in monetization solutions, helps companies across diverse sectors such as finance, sweepstakes, insurance, surveys, and home improvement maximize revenue by introducing effective marketing channels that attract high-value traffic to their offers.

Phone screen with LifeStreet logo and title Advertising and Engagement platform



Increase over ROAS targets

Dollar sign with two arrows pointing up saying 225% increase in conversion


Increase in conversions


Budget increase


Several of the network’s clients had hit a plateau with traditional marketing strategies and needed a way to reboot their campaigns’ initial momentum while maintaining 100% day one return on ad spend (ROAS).


The company selected LifeStreet to help quickly drive conversions by introducing a variety of offers to previously untapped in-app audiences. 


LifeStreet’s ML models accurately predicted the likelihood of app users converting into leads and customers, optimizing the campaigns for these users. Those who engaged with the in-app ad were directed to the advertiser’s mobile web page to take the desired action.


LifeStreet’s proprietary conversion models significantly reduced the time typically required to adjust campaign parameters such as target audience, budget, bidding strategy, and ad creatives. This efficiency allowed LifeStreet to quickly identify and prioritize the highest-performing offers, which were further optimized with bespoke bidding strategies. These strategies were customized based on factors such as vertical (e.g., retail or quick-serve-restaurants), time of day, time of week, and allocating spend to specific in-app categories.


Advanced modeling and focused optimizations allowed the engagement platform to quickly achieve significant growth shortly after partnering with LifeStreet.