Case Study – In-App Advertising

Leading acquisition marketing agency scales new growth opportunities with in-app-advertising

Company Background

A lead acquisition agency using proprietary technology and web properties to help advertisers drive sustainable growth by attracting, nurturing, and converting potential leads into customers.

Phone homescreen with LifeStreet logo and below it the title In-app-advertising.



increase in scale within
the first three weeks


increase in scale
within a month


reduction in eCPR


A multi-vertical performance-marketing agency specializing in lead acquisition and marketing solutions needed a new digital strategy that would allow them to scale up. After running a rewarded survey campaign across a mix of digital channels (email, web, and social), audience growth started to plateau. The agency began to rethink how they could rapidly increase reach while still hitting their client’s ROAS targets and maintaining a low CPR (cost per registration). Aware that mobile gaming had shifted over the years from a niche trend to a mainstream form of entertainment, the agency determined that mobile in-app was crucial for their client’s scaling targets.

There were two challenges with incorporating mobile into their marketing strategy. The advertiser did not have an app; and the agency did not have the creative tools needed to support the design and creation of in-app ad formats.


App-to-web takes a user from an in-app ad to the advertiser’s mobile web page. Based on LifeStreet’s proven history executing and scaling app-to-web sweepstakes and rewards campaigns, the agency decided to tap into mobile-app inventory to unlock new audiences.

LifeStreet’s in-house creative team designed, built and tested all creative assets for the campaign. Through a series of A/B tests of its proprietary ad template, the creative team was able to determine the efficacy of each design element such as CTA, background color, hero image, etc. to ensure that the optimal ad was being served. Once the campaign launched, LifeStreet maximized the value of each impression by executing creative A/B/n tests and using the results to inform future creative iterations.


Working with LifeStreet enabled the agency to explore an untapped traffic source and deliver winning creatives that exceeded performance goals. Within 3 weeks of launching their first two mobile in-app campaigns, the advertiser hit all of their target KPIs.

As the campaign scaled, LifeStreet continued to convert high-value users, which led to a 3X budget increase and 10 new campaign launches.